Want to Consistently and Predictably Acquire New Wealthy Clients, For Your Business?


You Need To Read My Latest Book Affluent Marketing Blueprint: Secrets Of Confidently Selling To Billionaires & Millionaires

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"An enlightening and insightful marketing how-to"

“Succinct and to the point. A great blueprint for consistently developing affluent clients.”

Todd Glenwell Financial Advisor

“Mark’s approach to attracting wealthy clients is efficient, measurable, and creative. Highly recommended.”

Anne Robertson Insurance Broker

“This is a must read for anyone who is serious about marketing to the affluent.”

Jackson Bellingham Luxury Real Estate Broker

Urgent Message

From: Mark Satterfield Pinehurst: North Carolina

From: Mark Satterfield Pinehurst: North Carolina

Today, , I’m going to share with you

What you’re about to discover is a unique and comprehensive marketing method that generates steady and predictable streams of wealthy clients, with no cold calling or hard selling.

The Affluent Marketing Blueprint

Enables you to break through the clutter and the noise that bombards your ideal wealthy clients with a message that creates intense buying demand for your specific product or service. And does it in a way that is professional, personal and consistent with how you want to be perceived in your market.

The Affluent Marketing Blueprint takes you on a deep dive into what’s really working for businesses in over 2 dozen different industries

You’ll meet Larry G.,

Who has built an extremely successful luxury travel agency on the back of “being the guy to know if you want to get connected to virtually anyone.” You’ll also meet one of my favorite success stories who was once too scared to strike up a conversation with wealthy patrons, but who now attributes most of his new clients to networking events.

Branding plays a key role in successfully attracting new business.

However, branding means something unique in the world of affluent marketing.

We’ll take a look at what goes into creating a brand that resonates with the super-rich.

You may think that direct mail can’t possibly work with this group, but you’d be wrong. Never underestimate the power of a targeted, professional letter.


There’s a three-letter sequence that has been proven effective time and time again.

There’s a three-letter sequence that has been proven effective time and time again.

What about advertising?

Can you get a viable return on your investment?

Yes you can, but not by using traditional image-focused advertising which, ironically, makes up the vast majority of ads one sees in luxury magazines.

However, if you use a technique borrowed from the great marketing copywriters, you’ll generate substantial returns from your ads both online and off.

Networking is a key element for building relationships with the affluent.

You’ll hear from Frank Guiffre

Who has taught his team how to be extraordinarily successful by employing one special technique. It’s absolutely genius, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t think about applying it years ago.

If you’ve ever felt uncomfortable in a networking or social situation, it will be one of your key takeaways from this book.


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The Affluent Marketing Blueprint is NOT theory. It’s unlike any of the common online marketing and selling methods you may have heard about or been taught.

The Blueprint shows you how to create a high volume of brand new affluent clients and customers


…and does it while educating prospects and delivering exceptional value to your community. This builds you a devote marketplace reputation and enables you to grow a large tribe of engaged and enthusiastic clients.

The Affluent Marketing Blueprint

Will walk you through-step by step- precisely how to attract more new wealthy clients. I’ll show you exactly how it is working for clients in over 2 dozen niche markets.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn:

  • Who the affluent will do business with and who they won’t.
  • ​How to build unshakable inner confidence when dealing with people who are older and wealthier than you are.
  • ​Think that you don’t already know wealthy prospects? This exercise will prove that your network is a lot more robust than you initially think.
    ​This “Trojan Horse” marketing method is sneaky but highly effective. Best of all, it build enormous good will for you with your community.
  • ​Are blogs still a thing? Yes they are-especially when marketing to the wealthy-BUT you need to make sure you don’t make this one HUGE mistake
  • You’ll love the Walt Disney method for accelerating the know-like & trust factors that are crucial for building relationships with high net worth individuals.
  • ​Love the idea of writing a book but think it’s too daunting a task? Here’s a simple way to get your book written and published. And NO- it doesn’t require hiring a ghostwriter.
  • ​Want to get famous by giving speeches or TED Talks? Here’s how to become a star on stage.
  • ​Don’t spend your time hosting an “investment seminar” or yet another golf outing. This is what you want to be sponsoring or hosting that will draw the wealthy clients you most want to attract

Here's What People Are Saying On AMAZON About The Affluent Marketing Blueprint


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But…(as they say)…WAIT, there’s MORE!

  • How to Use Social Media
    How to use social media in a way that actually gets you wealthy clients and isn’t just an enormous time suck that produces no tangible benefits. 
  •  Advertising Both Online And Offline

    This may be counterintuitive, but the wealthy will actually respond to advertising-both online and off. The trick is to make sure that you include this one key element.

  • What Type Of Website You Need?
    What type of website do you need? The answer may surprise you but it’s not the typical “brochure” style one that you may be currently using.
  • Get More People To Say Yes
    Want to get more people to say “YES” to your offer of a free consultation? This is how to nicely “sell” the benefits of the discussion and overcome their fear that it will be little more than a disguised sales pitch.

  • Old School Personalized Sales Letters
    Old school personalized sales letters are back! (Actually, all the top producers never abandoned this tried & true method for generating great affluent leads.) This is the 3-letter sequence you want to use that works like gangbusters.

  • How Many Emails Do You Get A Day?
    The wealthy get 3 times as many. These are the subject lines that break through the noise & clutter and get them to read your message.

  • How To Structure Your Email?
    And speaking of which…I’ll show you how to structure your email so that it moves affluent prospects down the slippery slope from curiosity to interest to taking action.

  • Using The Phone To Build Relationships
    Cold calling can’t possibly work, can it? You may not want to do it yourself, but there are great lessons to be learned from those I interviewed who are using the phone successfully to build relationships with the wealthy

  • The Conversion Conversation That Works
    The absolutely BEST method for converting prospects into actual paying clients. I walk you though precisely how to structure the conversation and what to say. And best of all…it’s not salesy…not cheesy…but works incredibly well.

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My products are sold for educational purposes only. Please understand the results I'm sharing with you are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or achieve anything for that matter). The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. Everything on this page are references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please do not get this product.

Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved Mark Satterfield